b. China, 1903 – d. Kuala Lumpur, 1990
Huang Shi An was born by the names of ‘Zi Zhen (子贞)’ and ‘Shi An (石庵)’. Originated from Guang Dong, China, Huang moved to Malaysia in the 1940s - 1950s. He was the chief editor for "Mahua Daily", the judge of the Malaysian National Calligraphy Competition, and one of the founders and advisor of Calligraphy Society of Malaysia. Huang Shi An exhibited in international group shows held in Singapore (1981), South Korea (1983), Japan (1984) and Taipei. His solo exhibitions were organised by the Malaysian Jiangxiatang (1984), Singapore Chinese Calligraphy Association (1986), Malaysian Calligraphy Association (1989) and other places such as the Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting in Beijing, China. Notable catalogue publications include the “Huang Shi An 80th Birthday Calligraphy Exhibition” (1986), “The Calligraphy of Huang Shi An” (1988) and “The Calligraphy Exhibitions of Huang Shi An” (2005). Huang’s calligraphy works were praised and recognised by prominent art masters such as Zhang Daqian and Xu Beihong.
黄石庵,名子贞,字石庵,原籍广东客家。黄石庵一生致力于推广书法艺术,备受赞誉,是我国近代碑学书法的代表人物。26岁时南来新加坡,曾任《马华日报》总编辑、马来西亚全国书法赛评审、马来西亚书艺协会发起人之一兼顾问。他参加过许多国内外书法展,1981年到新加坡参加《第二届国际书法联展》、1983年韩国《亚细亚现代书画名家联展》、1984 年日本《第五届国际书法联展》 以及台北国立历史博物馆举办 《中国书法国际交流展》。马来西亚江夏堂于1984年举办《 黄石庵八二寿个展》、新加坡中华书艺协会于1986年举办《黄石庵八四书迹展》、马来西亚书艺协会于1989年举办《黄石庵老人义展》。此外,黄石庵还曾在中国北京中国画研究院等地举办个展。作品收录于《黄石庵八四书迹展》(1986年)、《黄石庵书法辑》(1998年)和《黄石庵书法义展》(2005年)。张大千曾夸其在书法方面极具潜力。徐悲鸿亦评二人书法皆同出一家,都融合南海的气息。
Reference 资料来源:https://pioneering.sgm.org.my/pioneering-calligraphy-exhibition/%E9%BB%84%E7%9F%B3%E5%BA%B5/