b. Johor, 1928 – d. 2006
Tee Tian Peng was a highly respected art educator and artist, contributing tremendously to the vibrant development of local art education and the modernisation of Chinese ink calligraphy and painting. He worked as a headmaster at multiple schools in Muar and taught at the Malaysian Institute of Art as an art lecturer. In 2000, he founded the Neo-Art Institute in Johor, which he led both as a principal and chief executive director. In 2002, he successfully acquired a Master's Degree in Art from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico in the United States. In 2004, he was a visiting lecturer at the Nanjing Institute of Arts, China. Tee frequently represented Malaysia at education conferences and art exhibitions overseas, showcasing his works in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. In 2010, Tee’s retrospective exhibition was held at the Hokkien Association, Johor.
郑天炳,祖籍福建永春,号醉墨,是马来西亚知名艺术家及教育家,马来西亚国际书画联盟发起人之一并曾任副会长,被誉为“柔佛州书艺之父”。1953年毕业于马来西亚假期师训学院,此后在柔佛多所学校担任校长一职多达30年,直到1983年12月退休。之后,在钟正山邀请下,前往马来西亚艺术学院执教。1996年,郑天炳任新山中央艺术学院院长。2000年,他创办了时代艺术学院,并担任院长及执行董事。2002年,郑天炳获得美国波多黎各美联大学纯美术硕士学位。2004年受邀成为南京艺术学院客座教授。2006年获颁马来西亚华人文化协会之“大马华人文化艺术最高成就奖 ”。2010年,“郑天炳书画精品回顾展”由马来西亚福建社团联合会及马来西亚国际现代书画联盟举办,于新山福建会馆进行。郑天炳之书法造诣颇深,挥毫数十年,早年随已故书法家陈人浩学中国书画,从欧阳询和柳公权书体入手,同时也跟其表兄刘抗学西洋画。笔下书法融合中西画理,并借鉴各家各派碑帖,变化万千,而不落俗套,自成一格。郑天炳亦擅长绘马,画风受叶醉白影响,墨马神采飞扬,栩栩如生,因此亦享有“南方悲鸿”之美誉。