Celebrating the Year of Rooster: Lunar New Year Group Exhibition
Group exhibition
Chong Buck Tee 钟木池, Puah Kim Hai 潘金海, Yap Hong Ngee 叶逢仪, An An 安安, Chong Kon Foo 张冠福, Chua Tze Li 蔡紫仁, Jane Yap Jian Yi 叶健一, Janet Teo 张桂娃, Lai Hui Fuen 赖慧芬, Dato Dr. Lee Chee Kuon 拿督李志强博士, Lee Wei Yee 李伟仪, Mon Teo 张羽秋, Ng Juat Wah 伍悦华硕士, Sharon Wong, Soo Chow Mean 苏祖绵, Tan Chew Yee 陈秋仪, Teo Teck Ong 张德云, Terrie Liew, Wee Hiau Kee 黄孝居, Wong Yoke Fung 黄玉芬, Yeo Ho Shan 杨皓循, Ying Foong Kam 邢凤琴, Yong Chuk Yim 杨竹音, 蔡丽慧, 邓美华, 林雅月, 丘炜菁, 饶梦欢, 谭永顺, 吴文正, 叶记光
02/01/2017 - 15/01/2017
Younie Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
As we are welcoming the Lunar Year of Rooster, Younie Gallery presents a special group exhibition featured with 31 artists. Led by 3 of our renowned local Chinese Ink Painting Masters -- Yap Hong Ngee, Puah Kim Hai and Chong Buck Tee together with their students, these artists will play with different concepts and creative ideas using Chinese ink to portray the auspicious Roosters - the theme of this exhibition. Younie Gallery would also like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year!
主办 Organiser:
马来西亚岭南画会 Malaysian Lingnan Art Society
雪隆水墨画会 Selangor & Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Shui-Mo Art Society
协办 Co-organiser:
颜丽轩画廊 Younie Gallery
Explore the exhibition through the video here: https://www.facebook.com/youniegallery/videos/1287464254646985