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AZALEAS 杜鹃花 (1984) | YEE CHIN MING 余东灯

AZALEAS 杜鹃花 (1984) | YEE CHIN MING 余东灯

YEE CHIN MING 余东灯 (余君明)

b. Perak, 1935 – d. 2017





Signed, dated, inscribed (upper left) with one artist seal

Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll

134 cm x 69 cm




余东灯是马来西亚前辈艺术家及美术教育工作者,生于1935年霹雳州,艺术造诣颇深,广泛涉猎油画、水彩、中国水墨、素描、文学创作等。1954年至1957年期间,他就跟随著名英国美术教育家彼得·哈利斯学习西画,是大名鼎鼎的“星期三画组”成员之一,之后自修水墨画、书法以及美术设计。1961年,他荣获国家语文局壁画比赛安慰奖。1962年,获得国家室内体育馆(Stadium Negara)壁画奖,与画家潘宝鸿获得为国家体育馆创作壁画的殊荣。同年,他赢得美孚油公司主办画展水彩组金牌奖。1981年,余东灯在集珍庄画廊举办首次个展。1988年开始专研草书,作品常常参与各地义展。余东灯曾担任中小学美术和华文教师,广告公司设计员,乃至马来西亚艺术学院(MIA)和博雅艺术中心之讲师。此外,他还多次担任绘画和书法评审员,为新一代艺术家的成长提供了引导和支持。2015年,为庆祝其80年诞辰,东方人文艺术馆举办了“余东灯书画展--80回顾“,为其在本地艺坛的卓越贡献致敬。其作品被政府机构如国家银行及马来西亚理科大学收藏。


From 1954 - 1957, Yee Chin Ming learnt Western art under the well-known British art superintendent Peter Harris and was a member of the famous "Wednesday Painting Group". In 1961, he won the consolation prize in the Dewan Pustaka Mural Competition. In 1962, he attained the Stadium Negara Mural Award, and together with artist Phoon Poh Hoong, they were commissioned to paint the mural for the stadium. In the same year, he also won a gold prize in the watercolour category at an art competition organised by Mobil Oil Company. Yee was an art lecturer at the Malaysian Institute of Art (MIA) and the Top-Art School of Art. In 2015, the Oriental Art and Cultural Center held the "Yee Chin Ming's 80 Review Solo Exhibition" to recognize his outstanding achievements in artistic creation and art education. His works are in the public collection of Bank Negara and Universiti Sains Malaysia.

颜色: 红色


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