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HORSE 马到成功 (2013) | TONY GIDEON 吴乃东

HORSE 马到成功 (2013) | TONY GIDEON 吴乃东

b. Indonesia, 1955


HORSE, 2013


Signed and dated "Tony. G 2013"; inscribed in Chinese with two artist seals
Mixed media on canvas, rolled
129 cm x 128 cm



印尼艺术家吴乃东于1979年开始学习创作漫画。之后,他不断拓展⾃⼰的技艺,1982年⾃学油画,并最终于1994年成为肖像画和宗教画⼤师。2007年,吴乃东开始与思源美术馆合作,标志着其职业⽣涯重要的⾥程碑。2009年,他开始积极参与思源美术馆的联展,在⻢来西亚、中国和美国展出作品。其他展览有:“中国四⼤名著四国书画联展”,于印尼雅加达、中国⼴州、⻢来西亚吉隆坡和美国芝加哥巡回展出(2009);“2012国际⻰年书画展”,印尼雅加达(2012);“亚洲艺术家博览会”,⻢来西亚吉隆坡(2014);以及 “⼀带⼀路 · ⾸届海外华⼈书法家协会⼤展”,印尼雅加达(2017)。2017年,吴乃东在位于印尼雅加达中央⼤商场的“⼤鸡⼤利迎春书画展”⾥,以中国画和油画的混合技巧,现场画成3⽶x2⽶的《⼤鸡图》,并获得了印尼博物馆颁发的创纪录认证。


In 1979, Tony Gideon started learning the art of cartooning. Over the years, he expanded his skills, self-learning oil painting in 1982 and eventually becoming a master in portrait and religious painting by 1994. In 2007, Tony began to collaborate with the Divine Art Gallery. In 2009, he participated in a joint exhibition with the Divine Art Gallery, showcasing his works across Malaysia, China, and America. His works were featured in multiple group shows, including the "Destined to Reign", Jakarta (2008); "Chinese Four Great Classical Novels Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Exhibition," which toured Indonesia, China, Malaysia, and the USA (2009); "2012 International Year of the Dragon Calligraphy & Painting Exhibition”, Jakarta (2012); "Art Asia 2014", Kuala Lumpur (2014); and “One Belt One Road - The First OCCA Calligraphy Exhibition”, Jakarta (2017). In 2017, during the "Auspicious Rooster New Year Exhibition" held in Jakarta, he set a record by painting a 2-metre x 3-metre rooster painting on-site, receiving recognition from the Indonesian Museum.

颜色: 橙色


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