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NUDE IN NATURE 原始森林里的夏娃 (2014) | LAI TIEW SEONG 黎潮湘

NUDE IN NATURE 原始森林里的夏娃 (2014) | LAI TIEW SEONG 黎潮湘


b. China, 1948





Signed and dated (lower left) with one artist seal

Ink and colour on paper, framed with plastic film

51 cm x 52 cm




Born in China, 1948, Lai Tiew Seong is a well-known Chinese calligraphy artist based in Kuantan, Malaysia. After years of self-taught, he studied at the Hong Kong Cang Jiang Art and Culture Academy. Lai had also attended the Chinese ink workshop led by Liu Chuncao, a prominent figure of Chinese Lingnan-style painting. Starting from 1998, Lai began to learn Chinese ink painting under Dr Cheah Thien Song. 


He was an art lecturer for the Malaysian Institute of Art (MIA) Chinese ink external course as well as for the Kuantan “Qing Liang Art Studio”. Lai currently holds several positions, including the Vice President of the Cao Tang Men Eastern Arts Society (CTM), committee member for the Malaysian Contemporary Chinese Painting & Calligraphy Association (Pahang), as well as member of the Chinese Ink Painting Society Malaysia.


His selected exhibitions include: the Australian International Lingnan Art Exhibition, Australia (1990); the first China-Malaysia International Ornamental Stone & Calligraphy Exhibition, China (2007); “The Different Wonder of Chinese Ink” Solo Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur (2010); “Me and My Stories” Solo Exhibition at Younie Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (2013); “Complementarity” – the 7th AAC Arts China Overseas Invitation Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur (2013) as well as the “Colourful Qing Xiu” - China-ASEAN Contemporary Chinese Ink Exhibition, China (2014).


His remarkable achievements in Chinese ink painting have won him several awards, such as: 1st Prize, Malaysian Chinese Painting Competition (1986); 3rd Prize, Chinese “Yan Ti” International Painting & Calligraphy Competition, China (1999); 1st Prize, Malaysian “Han Mo Yuan” National Art & Seal Engraving Competition – Chinese Ink Painting Section; and finally, the top 500 Global Chinese Ink Artists (2018).




他的精选画展有: 1990年环球岭南派画家展(澳洲)、2007年首届中国·马来西亚国际赏石及书画艺术邀请展(广西南宁)、2010年《不一样的水墨情趣》个展(马来西亚吉隆坡)、2013年《我和我的故事》水墨画个展(吉隆坡颜丽轩画廊)、2013年相生 – 第七届AAC艺术中国海外邀请展(吉隆坡)以及2014年“多彩青秀” 中国-东盟当代水墨交流展(广西南宁)。


黎潮湘在水墨画界的精彩表现,亦为他赢得数个奖项,如1986年第一届全国水墨画比赛第一名、1999年炎帝杯国际书画大展铜像奖(中国湖南)、2000年翰墨缘全国篆刻书画公开赛水墨画组一等奖(吉隆坡),乃至2018年全球水墨画家500 强。

颜色: 绿色


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